Monday, April 29, 2013

Behind the eight ball...


Many years ago the Drop-In was donated some top notch pool tables, but with many years comes much wear and tear, and we've been behind the eight ball for upkeep.  Unfortunately, this kind of repair is not "do-it-yourself" kinda work, and it does not come cheap, so as a not-for-profit we haven't had the extra funds to fix them. Year after year they still become a major highlight of our facility, and a great way to connect with people, but duct tape isn't doing the job. So I'm going out on a limb here hoping that the word would spread that we are in need for some financial donation specifically for this cause. My estimate is $1000 for both tables to be repaired (possibly more). Let me know if you or someone you know may have this on their heart...THANKS!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Skaters vs Old Man Winter

With this crazy whirl of "spring" weather we're getting a crazy whirl of emotions within our skateboarder crew.  Sunny, dry skatepark and snow-covered skatepark with biting northern winds, from one day to the next.  Anticipation for the end of old man winter has never been this high as long as I can remember.
Let the Spring come!
Let the kids come!
Old Man Winter go away!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

An organic volunteer experience

We just got back from the ANNUAL YFC VOLUNTEER RETREAT

 As always, we gathered at YFC's Camp Cedarwood.  This year was different because for the first time we had all our sessions in the "Lakeview Lounge."  We also brought our friend, Jordan St. Cyr to come jam with us.  It was a fun, organic worship experience.  Thanks so much to Jord for coming!

Vintage piano stylings from Josiah

 Our "questionable" -yet adorable-  sound techs for the weekend.

Connecting with each other, and God, all in one room.

Magnolia on lead piano, everyone!

All in all, a great time of connection with each other, the YFC vision, and ultimately our awesome Lord and Saviour, Amen!